Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
what's inside you. You own it, and you have the freedom for it to come out.
I recently read this “bio” written by an amazing person so I thought I would try to write one...hard to sum up oneself in a paragraph but here I go.....
My name is Ashley Rable, I was born in the strongest city in the nation, Detroit, but consider myself a desert rat ( Tucson, AZ). I am a pacifist, vegetarian, bleeding heart liberal who wishes she could save the world. I recently became weary of religions and if I had to pick one I believe Buddhism would be it. I believe red vines are superior the twizzlers and that salads are better than fried food. I like sleeping on a diagonal with a fan on and dislike sleeping next to anyone. I have torn my achilles tendon twice, had a blood clot, and was in a pretty bad car accident…yet I don’t let that stop me and I run as much as my busy life lets me! I currently volunteer/ work for four organizations- Calling All Crows, Ben’s Bells, Amplifying Education, and Children’s Hospital. I also work as an interpreter and in accounting…busy busy. I graduated from college in four years and desperately want my Masters. I don’t remember the last time I did “nothing”. I rescue earthworms when I see them on the side walk and try not the step on bugs. I read a ridiculous amount, and some of the books are equally as ridiculous. I am an athlete but I don't enjoy watching pro-sports. I am very much in love with my current group of friends, they are amazing people. I think it’s rare to find true do-gooders, people that do things for other just because without an agenda ….and I have a group of true do-gooders in my life now. I walk everywhere I can, I honestly try to have a small carbon footprint. Speaking of small footprints, I have freakishly small feet for being 5'10 and 3/4". I love the ocean and am more afraid of things on land. I don’t listen to the radio and only recently found out who Justin Beiber is. I live in Colorado, a state which houses some of the nicest people EVER. I love West Coast fashion and the life style. I have a twisted obsession with shoes (kicks), bikini’s, stars, tube socks (white with 2-3 stripes), and otter pops. My mom is one of my best friends and if I get married my friend Dustin will be the maid of honor. I wear glasses, I always have a silver necklace on, a silver ring, and think flip flops should be worn year around. I think all girls should wear thong underwear and that boys should always, always, always wear boxers..pref. white ones...its just better. I love traveling and exploring, I would hate to feel sheltered. I adore rain/thunder storms and love living alone. I am amazingly good at crying on queue, the last time I really cried was sometime last summer though some people would say it was more recent they just didn’t know those tears weren’t real. I hate when people ask me to sign or to teach them dirty words in sign language…it’s awkward and not ok..don’t do it. I have sleeping problems and because of this my apartment is always clean. I have been in love twice both of which happened at a young age. I am disgusted by laziness and think everyone should try to better themselves daily. I don’t hate anyone, not because I don’t have reason…I don’t the time or the energy! However, if you screw me over or are in anyway an ass, I will most likely never truly be your friend again. I get annoyed when people ask “do you hate me” because they clearly did something wrong but clearly only care about how it effects them. I am horrible at math but I did really really well In college. I have made some mistakes but I have learned from them all and I try not to regret anything. Most of my friends are 25+ years old, I believe I just get along better with people my age or older. I still skip down the street and I love almond milk. I find my brother to be the coolest kid ever and I aspire to be like him. I believe in heaven, hell,ghosts,souls, karma, and angels. I also believe kindness conquers all and that love and peace are always the answer.
My name is Ashley Rable, I was born in the strongest city in the nation, Detroit, but consider myself a desert rat ( Tucson, AZ). I am a pacifist, vegetarian, bleeding heart liberal who wishes she could save the world. I recently became weary of religions and if I had to pick one I believe Buddhism would be it. I believe red vines are superior the twizzlers and that salads are better than fried food. I like sleeping on a diagonal with a fan on and dislike sleeping next to anyone. I have torn my achilles tendon twice, had a blood clot, and was in a pretty bad car accident…yet I don’t let that stop me and I run as much as my busy life lets me! I currently volunteer/ work for four organizations- Calling All Crows, Ben’s Bells, Amplifying Education, and Children’s Hospital. I also work as an interpreter and in accounting…busy busy. I graduated from college in four years and desperately want my Masters. I don’t remember the last time I did “nothing”. I rescue earthworms when I see them on the side walk and try not the step on bugs. I read a ridiculous amount, and some of the books are equally as ridiculous. I am an athlete but I don't enjoy watching pro-sports. I am very much in love with my current group of friends, they are amazing people. I think it’s rare to find true do-gooders, people that do things for other just because without an agenda ….and I have a group of true do-gooders in my life now. I walk everywhere I can, I honestly try to have a small carbon footprint. Speaking of small footprints, I have freakishly small feet for being 5'10 and 3/4". I love the ocean and am more afraid of things on land. I don’t listen to the radio and only recently found out who Justin Beiber is. I live in Colorado, a state which houses some of the nicest people EVER. I love West Coast fashion and the life style. I have a twisted obsession with shoes (kicks), bikini’s, stars, tube socks (white with 2-3 stripes), and otter pops. My mom is one of my best friends and if I get married my friend Dustin will be the maid of honor. I wear glasses, I always have a silver necklace on, a silver ring, and think flip flops should be worn year around. I think all girls should wear thong underwear and that boys should always, always, always wear boxers..pref. white ones...its just better. I love traveling and exploring, I would hate to feel sheltered. I adore rain/thunder storms and love living alone. I am amazingly good at crying on queue, the last time I really cried was sometime last summer though some people would say it was more recent they just didn’t know those tears weren’t real. I hate when people ask me to sign or to teach them dirty words in sign language…it’s awkward and not ok..don’t do it. I have sleeping problems and because of this my apartment is always clean. I have been in love twice both of which happened at a young age. I am disgusted by laziness and think everyone should try to better themselves daily. I don’t hate anyone, not because I don’t have reason…I don’t the time or the energy! However, if you screw me over or are in anyway an ass, I will most likely never truly be your friend again. I get annoyed when people ask “do you hate me” because they clearly did something wrong but clearly only care about how it effects them. I am horrible at math but I did really really well In college. I have made some mistakes but I have learned from them all and I try not to regret anything. Most of my friends are 25+ years old, I believe I just get along better with people my age or older. I still skip down the street and I love almond milk. I find my brother to be the coolest kid ever and I aspire to be like him. I believe in heaven, hell,ghosts,souls, karma, and angels. I also believe kindness conquers all and that love and peace are always the answer.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I have funny friends
Friend: great so i'm one of your favorite people to digitally interact with
i might as well be a witty computer program
i think i just proclaimed myself witty
didn't mean that
just call me watson from now on
me: you have a list?
thats adorable!
ha ha ha
friend: great so now i'm an adorable computer program
me: you forgot witty
Friend: oh yes...adorable witty computer program
i might as well be a witty computer program
i think i just proclaimed myself witty
didn't mean that
just call me watson from now on
me: you have a list?
thats adorable!
ha ha ha
friend: great so now i'm an adorable computer program
me: you forgot witty
Friend: oh yes...adorable witty computer program
Monday, May 9, 2011
We're better together....

Two of my very favorite people in this world got married this past weekend in San Clemente, California. The wedding was beautiful and so much fun. Every single person there had a blast and it was so nice being surrounded by an amazing group of 26-30 year old.

My brother was the best man and the maid of honor was Rachel's best friend Kimmie.

Speaking of Rachel, this is her. She is amazing, funny, smart, beautiful, kind, and honestly Kyle (the groom) couldnt do any better than her. She is from Colorado and ever since I met her at a tailgate 5 years ago I have adored her. This picture is from last years "reunion" football game where Rachel thought it would be a good idea to climb a giant statue of Ralphie ( Univeristy of Colorado's Mascot).

I have known the groom, Kyle, since I was 11. He has always been like another brother to me. He was over at our house all the time in high school, his dad was my dentist, and he and my brother both ended up going to CU. Honestly this weekend was great because I was seeing my "other" brother get married.

They are perfect for one another...they are lucky. Wish them a happy life.
LOVES to Kyle and Rachel!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind

Over the past years I have been called a hippie, a tree hugger, and most recently a bleeding heart liberal....and honestly it doesnt bother me. If you choose to call me "names" because of how I feel about people, the world, and how my actions effect my life and those around me, fuck..... call me whatever you want to.
The Bin Laden thing has really brought out a side in many people I never expected to be there. A human being did terrible things (I get that!) and so America wanted his head on a plater ( or at the bottom of an ocean) and now we want see his body...does anyone else see that this is going to cause more problems and that breeding hatred as a country is just a bad idea??
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I will remember you...will you remember me?
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