Thursday, March 17, 2011

“It is an odd thing, but every one who disappears is said to be seen at San Francisco. It must be a delightful city, and possess all the attract

I am going to do day 11 & 12 today as my life is taking me away for yet another weekend with amazing friends ( to be blogged about next week).

Day#11- A picture of something you hate-

As I have stated before...I do not hate much. I don't have time in my life or in my heart for hatred. If I did hate you, I would soon forget about you, because honestly you arent even worth my time to hate. However I strongly dislike-

My ear being touched:

When I was in 2nd grade my pierce ear ripped through and I had to have plastic surgery on my earlob to sew it up...since then I hate earring ( I try to wear them for a bit and feel very girlie) and hate when people try to touch them. I will hit you and I wont feel bad

And skinny jeans on guys!!

When the fuck did this become an ok thing to do?? It seems like all boys who are trying to be indie/punk/rocker are wearing skinny jeans and really they shouldn't. Most girls can't even pull of skinnies much less a dude. This being said my friend Jim has been wearing skinnies for years (not since they just became trendy)now, they dont have streach in them and he wears them with vans and a white v-neck shirt...this is acceptable but only if you are Jim.

Day#12- A picture of something you love



Swim Suits-

Ben's Bells

Beautiful Beaches-

Tube Socks-


Rainbow Flip Flops (once you wear them you never will wear another brand)

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