Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I be......

Over the past year I have gotten to know the State Radio photographer and he is doing this amazing project called "What I be". Steve takes photo's of people and asks them to put their biggest insecurity, what they "judge" themselves on (and what people judge them on), out there in the open for all to see.

As many of you know I recently got the position of Colorado Community Organizer with one of the non-profits I am involved in ( I will go more into this later). There are two other COs as of right now, Jenna in Boston and Krista in NYC.

Krista recently participated in "What I be" and I find it so incredible and powerful.

We were texting before she actually did it..about what she was going to do. We dicsussed what mine would be and I said either " I am not my crazy phases" or "I am not my 'dark and twistyness' "...we discussed how crazy phases lead to dark and twistyness and dark and twistyness leads to crazy phases. My crazy phases definitely come with depression, suicide attempts ( years ago), showing interest in boys I don't like, drinking a lot...ect ect ect. I had a 2 year crazy phases and relapsed last year, but I am learning from each 'mistake'. But as Krista and I were talking I realized my crazy phases should only bother/effect me... the judgment will come from the people who don’t know or don’t understand where you have been and the road you are taking to where you want to go. I judge myself more harshly for these indiscretions than anyone else could ever judge me..and for that I think I couldn't put myself out there like Krista just did...not until I become stronger and less "crazy phase" susceptible.

Krista has quickly become one of my favorite people. We officially met last October and have stayed in touch randomly ever since. She is so optomistic and outgoing, so cheerful and full of life,So socially aware and kind, so beautiful and fashionable (BAM!), and yet if you look at that picture you know there is another story that goes along with the person I just described. This reminds me of one of my favorite qoutes " Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." ~Plato

So to my amazingly strong, beautiful, and ever loving friend Krista....SNAIL SNAIL I LOVE YOU!

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