Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I have amazing friends

From my friend Linda-

For my friends and my best friend and those scorching Arizona summers where we still managed to be free and happy.

This air is hot.

Liquid hot.

It muffles our breath,

But the sounds of our laughter are too much for this heat.

I swear it’s laughing, too.

Lay with me in wonder, on these hills, in this grass, on that porch.

Come drink with me

And make this world right again.

Make me right again.

Repair my insides with your sweet, nostalgic caress.

Feed me the dreams that only we spoke of.

Find me that better place of residual feelings

Between us all,

When we were new and undeveloped.

Etch through the city with me, with this knife made of old scars,

New grooves for recollection.

And we will dance in them

And cheers the ones before us,

That buried these poisons

To save us some time,

And save some for later,

When time would decide.

‘Cause these moments are fleeting

And we are their only rescue.

So remember to never forget.

The sun is baking what creation made her own,

And we are no longer alone.

We are young again with the weight of the world far off in some other place.


Rummaging in plans that hang by a thread,

'Cause options are endless

And there is always something else we could do.

Our eyes are fresh with sight,

Sparkling in this summer’s hot, white light.

It burns us to the core,

But at least the search is done.

Your arms produce the most comfortable arena

For these songs we yell through our new born laughter.

We never knew merriment until we met our first summer.

No existence of neglect.

No knowledge of regret.

Only the electricity of life in our veins.

And these young bodies will make call until they’ve managed every performance.

And we'll laugh,

And laugh,

And laugh some more,

Through those melting windows of opportunity,

Unsaid crimes

And the beauty in our naive views of reality.

We are happy.


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