Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I've been lucky. Opportunities don't often come along. So, when they do, you have to grab them.

Day #5 - A picture of your favorite memory

This question is hard for me. I have been blessed, I have don’t so so so many things that I count as amazing memories. I couldn’t narrow it down even if I tried. So I will mention a few:

When I was born my cousin Lisa was asked to be my Godmother, my mom is in fact Lisa's mother. When Lisa had her third child, Luke, she asked me to be his Godmother. Luke is stinking adorable. He will be 11 this year and is so inquistive and sweet. He writes me cards and texts me from his moms phone..I love him with all my heart.

I have been lucky to surf two very famous spots. I learned to surf in Hawaii (this is incredible, no?) and then two years ago I got the amazing opportunity to surf Tamarindo in Costa Rica.

If you have seen Endless Summer you know this is pretty ridiculous....here is a clip:

I was allowed to be a part for Marcia Parseghian's life...there isn't much more I can say about this. I love that family, I love Ara more than words will ever be able to say ...I love Marcia and miss her daily.

Pretty much anything fun I do with The Moe is a favorite memory...she is pretty stellar-

Any of my work with the non-profits I work with:

Ben's Bells-

Calling All Crows-

Everything and anything to do with Bradley-- no joke people should aspire to be like that kid-

Anything to do with The University of Arizona and The University of Colorado (if you can't go to college go to state)-

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