Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. I sought my God, but my God eluded me. I sought my brother and I found all three.

Day #6 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day

"If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her brother."

I would love to trade places with my brother. I know I talk about him a lot but he really fascinates me. In the past year: one of his best friend's mother lost her battle with cancer ( Brad has been friends with them since I was 9), his girlfriend of 10 years broke up with him, he got a new title at work, he applied to and was accepted to two top 25 business school programs, he started his MBA program and will finish in two years while working 70+hr work weeks (this blows my mind), he went to South East Asia ( Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam), his mentor passed away, he was asked to be the best man at another one of his best friend’s wedding ( he was the best man in another one a few years ago..all meaning he is an amazing friend), he ran 4 half the recent past: he graduated from The University of Colorado in four years ( a feat for anyone these days), he owned a house when he turned 23, he did a foreign destination habitat for humanity build, he has a shoe collect that would make mine look minuscule, he protects me from boys he doesnt approve of, he cares about being green, he is a vegetarian, he is a beer connoisseur, he dresses better than any guy I have met, he has brought an amazing group of boys into my life who all consider me a " little sister", he has run 4 full marathons and 12-15 1/2 marathons, he did the Grand Canyon Rim-to Rim-to Rim in 24 hours ( which is ridiculous if you think about it), he has seen Pearl Jam live 6+ times,he donates money to Surf Rider, he has been to a ridiculous amount of concerts, he cares way more about others than himself, and he goes to my favorite city in So. Cal all the time.

When I was little I fell down a flight of stairs and my brother was at the top when I fell and he literally said " bbbuummm bummm here comes Superman" while trying in rescue me. He always tries to rescue me. "Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." ~Marc Brown

He keeps his shit together ( the most part) and I look up to him... but I would love to walk in his shoes for a day, I call him "The Golden Child" but I know things get tough for him...I am sure his life is very hard and I commend him for being such a stellar person.

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