Friday, May 13, 2011

what's inside you. You own it, and you have the freedom for it to come out.

I recently read this “bio” written by an amazing person so I thought I would try to write one...hard to sum up oneself in a paragraph but here I go.....

My name is Ashley Rable, I was born in the strongest city in the nation, Detroit, but consider myself a desert rat ( Tucson, AZ). I am a pacifist, vegetarian, bleeding heart liberal who wishes she could save the world. I recently became weary of religions and if I had to pick one I believe Buddhism would be it. I believe red vines are superior the twizzlers and that salads are better than fried food. I like sleeping on a diagonal with a fan on and dislike sleeping next to anyone. I have torn my achilles tendon twice, had a blood clot, and was in a pretty bad car accident…yet I don’t let that stop me and I run as much as my busy life lets me! I currently volunteer/ work for four organizations- Calling All Crows, Ben’s Bells, Amplifying Education, and Children’s Hospital. I also work as an interpreter and in accounting…busy busy. I graduated from college in four years and desperately want my Masters. I don’t remember the last time I did “nothing”. I rescue earthworms when I see them on the side walk and try not the step on bugs. I read a ridiculous amount, and some of the books are equally as ridiculous. I am an athlete but I don't enjoy watching pro-sports. I am very much in love with my current group of friends, they are amazing people. I think it’s rare to find true do-gooders, people that do things for other just because without an agenda ….and I have a group of true do-gooders in my life now. I walk everywhere I can, I honestly try to have a small carbon footprint. Speaking of small footprints, I have freakishly small feet for being 5'10 and 3/4". I love the ocean and am more afraid of things on land. I don’t listen to the radio and only recently found out who Justin Beiber is. I live in Colorado, a state which houses some of the nicest people EVER. I love West Coast fashion and the life style. I have a twisted obsession with shoes (kicks), bikini’s, stars, tube socks (white with 2-3 stripes), and otter pops. My mom is one of my best friends and if I get married my friend Dustin will be the maid of honor. I wear glasses, I always have a silver necklace on, a silver ring, and think flip flops should be worn year around. I think all girls should wear thong underwear and that boys should always, always, always wear boxers..pref. white ones...its just better. I love traveling and exploring, I would hate to feel sheltered. I adore rain/thunder storms and love living alone. I am amazingly good at crying on queue, the last time I really cried was sometime last summer though some people would say it was more recent they just didn’t know those tears weren’t real. I hate when people ask me to sign or to teach them dirty words in sign language…it’s awkward and not ok..don’t do it. I have sleeping problems and because of this my apartment is always clean. I have been in love twice both of which happened at a young age. I am disgusted by laziness and think everyone should try to better themselves daily. I don’t hate anyone, not because I don’t have reason…I don’t the time or the energy! However, if you screw me over or are in anyway an ass, I will most likely never truly be your friend again. I get annoyed when people ask “do you hate me” because they clearly did something wrong but clearly only care about how it effects them. I am horrible at math but I did really really well In college. I have made some mistakes but I have learned from them all and I try not to regret anything. Most of my friends are 25+ years old, I believe I just get along better with people my age or older. I still skip down the street and I love almond milk. I find my brother to be the coolest kid ever and I aspire to be like him. I believe in heaven, hell,ghosts,souls, karma, and angels. I also believe kindness conquers all and that love and peace are always the answer.

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