Friday, April 8, 2011

I and Love and You

Day #19- A picture and a letter (I have been holding off on this for a very specific reason!)

Dear Janet-

Can you believe we have almost known each other for ten years? I can clearly remember when I got my dorm assignment and sent you a letter! It feels like yesterday when we talked on the phone for the first time (I was in the drive thru at Jack n’ the Box..go figure) and we discussed our mutual love for stars and Dave Matthews.

Freshman Year-

And then there was the move in day! You and your mom were so cute, remember the giant cut on got on my arm from the medicine cabinet and you guys taped cotton balls to the corners so it wouldn’t happen again (I still have a scar)! I remember being so happy that you decided to put your computer next to mine! Remember my “Peter Pan” screen saved “I won’t grow up!” I remember when I would come in after smoking pot and you would tell me I smelled good. And then there was the answering machine and singing at the top of our lungs..."I'M THE ONE WHO WANTS TO BE WITH YOU!"

And then there is Nag Champa! Oh how we love out incense…

Warning #1 -“Are you guys burning an incense stick?”
“Yes, sorry we didn’t know”

Attempt #2 - “Are you guys burning an incense stick?”
“No, it’s body spray!”

Remember my fight with your boyfriend...I forgot his name...but I was PISSED OFF!

And then there is the fact the other roommate hated me but you stood by me and wouldn’t leave the room. From that moment on I knew that you and I would be lifelong friends.

Remember on our last “dead day” in the dorms,we played spoons with the bucket and RA’s came knocking again; somehow we didn’t get in trouble.

Sophomore Year-

You are living with Sally and I am living with Shannon. We were both not completely happy with our living situation but we dealt. I loved when you would come over and drink with us, do you remember when I would draw lines on the cups and that was how much you had to drink?!

I remember being at the SALT center and you calling me and asking if Shannon was moving out because you didn’t want to live with that little drug dealer..Naturally I said YES!

Junior Year-

Roomies again…the apartment is always ridiculously clean, the air-conditioning is always on 72 degrees and laundry was always being done. This was the year the flash light dancing became a part of our weekly routine and where we drank more than usual.

This was also the year the “Booty Wall” was created and Bryan and I tried to hook you up with Ed. Around this time was the ridiculous fight at NoPo where Ed’s friend got jumped in front of me, Bryan walked around with a knife, I was getting yelled at by Tucson Police Department and you were trying to hide under the bed. Due to this fight we got an additional lock on out patio door.

Which brings me to our Balcony, some of my favorite memories are sitting in the chairs with blankets and watching it rain with you. Remember “Cherry Dreams”? That balcony was amazing..I miss you, I miss you.

Senior Year-

Marcia died and you were this amazing angel giving me support and love. I don’t know I could have handled that without you! You were dating Dave and I was dating Bryan and life was ok. We were busy with school but we still had parties, do you remember poppers?? Or Bryan and your joint birthday party where Bryan called me Jill and Angela and Dave got in a fight?

I believe this was the year we laid out in December and every time the sun went behind the cloud we went behind our towels.

This was the year the SJP wall came to life…and boy did we love that wall.
Moving out of that apartment was one of the hardest things I had ever done, granted you were moving back to the BHC and I was moving to Denver, but I was so comfortable living with you and it was so easy. I often tell people I will live alone forever because I won’t ever find someone I can cohabitate with like I did with you.

2006-Present Day-

MANY hour long phone calls and letters and you are still one of my best friends. UofA football games and fuck buckles and the dougie…Homecoming this year?? You are frickin engaged!!!And I am a bridesmaid…how crazy is that shit girl?

you are an amazing person. You have always stayed true to yourself and never changed who you are for anyone. I truly know I can count on you for anything and that you will always be there, we have been through some crazy shit (not mentioned in this letter), but we always came out stronger! I always wonder how you are doing and always hope you are sublimely happy. You are beautiful inside and out, I still refer to you as my “teeny cheerleader college roomie” , your personality is sunshine and you are just fabulous! You will never know how much you friendship means to me…just know it’s a lot.




1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I'm tearing up and laughing at the same time! I love you, girl! I'm so happy that you are in my life. I have been truly blessed to have you in my life. God shined a light that led us to meet. I really believe this to be true. Thank you for that letter, I need to print this out and read anytime I get sad!!
